Django Http Request Life Cycle Step by Step With Example

Mahabubur Rahman
Published on Nov, 03 2024 2 min read 0 comments
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In this article we will discus on “Django Http Request Life Cycle Step by Step With Example”

Let's dive into the step-by-step process of Django's HTTP request lifecycle. This is an intricate process, and understanding it can help you build more efficient Django applications.

1. Client Request

The lifecycle starts when a client (like a browser or mobile app) sends an HTTP request to your Django application.

2. Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)

The request reaches the web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx) and is then passed to WSGI, which acts as a bridge between the server and the Django application.

3. Django Request Handling

URL Routing: The request is passed to Django's URL routing system defined in Django uses the URL configuration to route the request to the appropriate view.

4. Middleware Processing (Request)

Middleware: The request goes through the middleware, which is a series of hooks that can modify the request. Middleware can handle tasks like authentication, session management, and more. They are processed in the order they are listed in the MIDDLEWARE setting.

5. View Function Execution

Once the middleware processing is done, the request reaches the view function that matches the URL pattern. The view function contains the logic to handle the request, typically involving querying the database and rendering a template.

6. Template Rendering

If the view function needs to return an HTML response, it will render a template. The view function will pass context data to the template, and Django will use its template engine to generate the final HTML.

7. Middleware Processing (Response)

After the view has processed the request and created a response, the response goes back through the middleware (this time in reverse order). Middleware can modify the response, for instance, to add headers or cookies.

8. Response

Finally, the processed response is sent back to the WSGI server, which then sends it back to the client's browser.


Client Request -> Web Server -> WSGI -> URL Routing -> Middleware (Request) -> View Function -> Template Rendering -> Middleware (Response) -> WSGI -> Web Server -> Client Response


Let's say a user wants to access a page that shows a list of blog posts. Here’s how Django handles it:

Client Request: A GET request to

URL Routing: The request matches a URL pattern in, e.g.,

urlpatterns = [
    path('blog/', views.blog_list, name='blog_list'),

Middleware (Request): The request passes through middleware components for tasks like authentication.

View Function: The blog_list view function is called.

def blog_list(request):
    posts = Post.objects.all()
    return render(request, 'blog_list.html', {'posts': posts})

Template Rendering: The view renders the blog_list.html template with the posts data.

Middleware (Response): The response goes back through middleware to finalize things like session data.

Response: The WSGI server sends the HTML response back to the client's browser.

This should give you a thorough understanding of the Django request lifecycle! Want to know more about any specific part?