How We Enable Header Bidding in Google Ad Manager

Mahabubur Rahman
Published on Oct, 31 2024 2 min read 0 comments
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Enabling Header Bidding in Google Ad Manager (GAM): A Step-by-Step Guide

Header bidding in GAM allows you to maximize ad revenue by simultaneously offering your ad inventory to multiple demand partners. Here's a simplified guide to enable it:

1. Enable Prebid for Your Network:

  • Sign in to GAM.
  • Navigate to Delivery > Bidders.
  • Click "Go to Header Bidding."
  • Click "Get Started" to enable Prebid.

2. Review and Configure Bidders:

  • GAM will automatically detect supported bidders.
  • For each bidder:
    • Enable SafeFrame: This allows ads to render within a secure frame.
    • Enable Optimized Private Auction Deals: This prioritizes deals with specific ID's in the auction.

3. Create a Header Bidding Line Item:

  • Navigate to Delivery > Line Items.
  • Create a new line item.
  • Set the line item type to "Price Priority."
  • Target the desired inventory and set the appropriate bid floor.
  • In the "Creative" section, select "Prebid Creative."
  • Paste the Prebid code provided by your demand partner.

4. Implement the Prebid.js Wrapper:

  • Integrate the Prebid.js wrapper into your website's header.
  • Configure the wrapper with your demand partners and their bid requests.

Additional Tips:

  • Optimize Latency: Minimize latency by optimizing your wrapper implementation and reducing the number of bidders.
  • Monitor Performance: Use GAM's reporting tools to track header bidding performance and make necessary adjustments.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest developments in header bidding and GAM's features.
  • Consider a Header Bidding Partner: A header bidding partner can help you manage the complexity of header bidding setup and optimization.


  • Consult with your GAM account manager or a header bidding expert for specific guidance.
  • Thoroughly test your header bidding implementation to ensure it's working correctly.
  • Continuously monitor and optimize your header bidding setup to maximize revenue.

By following these steps and considering the additional tips, you can effectively enable header bidding in GAM and increase your ad revenue.

From Gemini