Laravel Http Request Life Cycle Step by Step

Published on Nov, 06 2024 2 min read 0 comments
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The Laravel HTTP request lifecycle is a detailed process that involves several key components to handle incoming requests and generate appropriate responses. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved in the lifecycle:

1. HTTP Request

The lifecycle begins when an HTTP request is sent by the client (browser, API consumer, etc.) to your Laravel application.

2. Web Server

The request first hits the web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.), which forwards it to the Laravel application through the public/index.php file.

3. Autoloading

Composer's autoloader loads all necessary classes defined in the composer.json file.

4. Bootstrap

Laravel bootstraps the application by loading various service providers and configurations. This is done in the bootstrap/app.php file.

5. Kernel

The request is sent to either the HTTP kernel or the console kernel, depending on the type of request. For HTTP requests, the HTTP kernel (app/Http/Kernel.php) is used.

The HTTP kernel defines a list of bootstrappers that will be executed before the request is handled.

6. Service Providers

All registered service providers are loaded. They handle the registration and bootstrapping of services like routes, middleware, and configurations.

7. Middleware

Middleware is applied to the request. Middleware acts as a filter that performs tasks like authentication, logging, and CORS. Middleware can be global, route-specific, or middleware groups.

8. Routing

The request is passed to the router, which determines which controller or closure should handle the request. The router matches the incoming request URL to the defined routes in routes/web.php or routes/api.php.

9. Controller

If a route matches, the router will dispatch the request to the corresponding controller method.

The controller processes the request, performs any business logic, and prepares a response.

10. Response

The response generated by the controller is sent back through the middleware stack.

The HTTP kernel prepares the response and sends it back to the web server.

Finally, the web server sends the response back to the client.

11. Termination

Once the response has been sent to the client, the termination middleware runs. This middleware performs any tasks that need to be done after the response has been sent, such as logging or cleaning up resources.



Client Request -> Web Server -> public/index.php -> Autoloading -> Bootstrap -> HTTP Kernel -> Middleware -> Router -> Controller -> Response -> Middleware -> HTTP Kernel -> Web Server -> Client Response

This sequence ensures that your application handles requests efficiently and allows for extensive customization and extension through middleware and service providers. Is there a particular step you’d like to dive into further?