Laravel Project Creation In local

Sahim Sakir
Published on Jan, 23 2024 1 min read 0 comments

This blog will help you to create a new Laravel project in your local machine.

First, you need an Apache server on your local machine (ex: xampp, wampp, laragon). I prefer xampp, you can download it from here.

Then you have to install Composer. You can download the composer from here.

After that from your destination folder run the terminal, write the below script, and execute.
composer create-project laravel/laravel [your_project_name]

After finishing the execution go to the project folder, open the terminal on the folder location, and execute the below command.
php artisan serve

Then browse the project from the given link on the terminal.

Cheers, you have created your fresh laravel project now you can organize it by your codes. for more info visit Laravel Documentation Site.