Next.js14 - 1 : Overview

Mahabubur Rahman
Published on Feb, 25 2024 1 min read 0 comments


What is Next.js?

The Next.js is React Based framework with server side rendering capability. It is very fast and SEO friendly. 


Basic deference between Next.js and React.js?

React : It's not feasible to create fully featured application ready for production. React is a library for building user interfaces. You need to make decision about other features such as routing, data fetching and more.

Next.js: It uses React for building user interfaces. Provides additional features that enable you to build production ready application . These features include routing, optimized rendering, data fetching, bundling, compiling, server-side rendering, and more. You don't need to install additional packages as Next.js provides everything you need.


Why learn Next.js

Next.js simplifies the process of building a web application for production. There are some special features Next.js provide you.

  1. Routing
  2. API routing
  3. Rendering
  4. Styling
  5. Data fetching
  6. Optimization
  7. Dev and Prod build system



  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript fundamentals
  • ES6 + features
  • React fundamentals